Take control of your future You.
My approach
I am a neuromusculoskeletal sub-specialist committed to providing a new level of excellence in Chiropractic care. I aim to guide you through your healthcare journey, from inspiring you with the knowledge to better understand your health challenges towards empowering you to take control of your future You. My mission is to move you from a passive and reactive to an active and proactive participant in your body & life.
How do I deliver superior healthcare outcomes?
I listen to patient values
I draw on practitioner expertise
I’m guided by the best available scientific evidence
Your Chiropractic journey explained
Whether you’re seeing me for an injury, rehabilitation, return to peak performance, or relief from daily aches & pains; my commitment to your process remains thorough & complete.
I start with a deep dive into you as an individual; this is where I start to piece together your puzzle, and we collaborate on a management plan towards your future self. At this point, I will recommend further tests, imaging, or referral if indicated.
Working together, we initiate your intervention to get you moving and feeling better and integrate these changes to optimise your functional outcomes. I also offer Athletic Screening to build a personalised exercise program to get you performing at your best.
At every stage, I use objective measurements to track progress and compare against baseline values and your goals while building your knowledge so you can take control of your future You.
In-person and remote options
Conveniently located within the City of Fremantle, 5 minutes off the Kwinana Fwy and 15 minutes from Perth CBD.
Our services
Chiropractic Care & Orthopaedic Testing
Injury Management & Athletic Screening
Exercise Prescription & Rehabilitation
Dry Needling & Soft Tissue Therapy
Christine Cossar, DC
Bsc BClinChio
I’m passionate about Chiropractic and its ability to empower capacity and build resilience at all levels of well-being. I love anatomy (it's all connected!) and helping people better understand their bodies, allowing a shift from passive/ reactive to active/ proactive participants in life and taking control of individual healthcare challenges.
During my degree, I completed a 3-year mentorship under the guidance of a Sports Chiropractor; as such, I strongly focus on neuromusculoskeletal health and integrating these systems through Chiropractic care, injury management, and rehabilitation.
Fun Fact: My alter ego is a national-level figure skater with her sights set on the 2024 Winter World Masters Games in Italy!
I graduated top of my class with High Distinction and currently assist in delivering the Anatomy and Neuro Anatomy Units to Chiropractic students at Murdoch University.
With me, you can feel assured you’re in safe hands.